We will get through this together

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.

Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium

No one can escape the shadow of the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 a.k.a. the coronavirus illness. The virus has now traveled to nearly every corner of the world, too often with tragic results. Because of this, we have all taken a crash-course in public health vocabulary terms like “social distancing” and “self-quarantine”, and are left with many unanswered questions – Where will my kids go? Are my parents and grandparents safe? Am I going to lose my job? Will I get sick? Dwelling too long on these questions can lead to anxiety, fear, depression, and hopelessness.

However, we can take a different path. There is a story of a buddhist teacher walking through a field with his student when they arrive at a boulder taller than either of them. The teacher turns to the student and says, “Tell me, is this a very heavy boulder?” The student, being smart and attentive, takes one look at the stone and replies, “Yes! This boulder is very, very heavy.” The teacher smiles and corrects the student, “Only if you try to pick it up.”

This story provides a simple reminder of the wisdom in the serenity prayer –

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.”

During this time of crisis and uncertainty, it is important to make sure we are not attempting to pick up boulders. Doing this we tire ourselves out, but have nothing to show for it in the end. Instead, there are smaller rocks and stones that everyone can lift. Here are three simple ways we can all help each other through.

3 ways we can all fight COVID-19

  1. Stay Clean: Good hygiene is a simple, and yet very, very powerful, way to combat and slow the spread.
    1. Wash your hands
    2. Keep your hands away from your face
    3. Cough into your elbow
    4. Clean surfaces frequently
  2. Stay home: Especially if you are feeling sick. The less we interact in person, the less we risk spreading this virus to each other. Limit non-essential travel, and follow step one if you have to go out.
  3. Stay connected: This may be the most important idea. Call/Text/Message/DM/Snap your friends and family. Keep up to date with how everyone is doing. If you need help, ask for it. If you can help, offer it. Even though we may be separate, none of us are alone.

Life right now can feel scary, but we can all make it though by helping each other and focusing on the things in our control.

If you or someone you love seem to be having a difficult time navigating their fear, anxiety or depression, please reach out for help. Contact TC Counseling is accepting new clients, and will be expanding Video-therapy services for those who do not wish to or cannot travel out of their homes

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